TWLA Ataturk School and Turkish Women’s League of America celebrated 23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day on April 27, 2018. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the honorable Alper Aktas, the New York Consul General of the Republic of Turkey and His Excellency İsmet Korukoğlu, the Representative of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Mr. Emre Manav, Deputy Consul General at Consulate General of the Republic of Turkey in New York, Mr. Rauf Alp Denktaş, First Counselor/Deputy Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations, Mrs. Bilge Koçyiğit Grba, Counselor to the Turkish Mission at the United Nations and all the Turkish dignitaries who joined us at the event. We also extend our thanks and appreciation to everyone who made this great event possible, especially to the teachers of the Atatürk School. Our students shined like stars, they performed beautifully.