United Nations

TWLA UN Related Announcement  #24

To support International Women’s Day on March 8th, it has been organized by the American Turkish Women’s Association, a member of the United Nations Global Communications Department(UN-DGC), in collaboration with The Bridge of Turkey, a member of ECOSOC.

Friday, March 8,2025 Time:16:00-18:00 pm

                                                   Language: English 

                                           RSVP: https://forms.gle/T8af1SGMTFZa2C4Y9

                                 “Everything we see in the world is creative work of women”    

                                     MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATURK -Founding father of the Republic Türkiye


Women’s Rights, Equality, and Empowerment

On March 8, 2025, we are organizing an important event to celebrate UN Women’s Day under the theme, “For ALL Women and Girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment.” This year’s program makes a strong call for the defense and empowerment of women’s and girls’ rights. Our event aims to create a future where women have equal rights and opportunities worldwide, with justice, equality, and equal opportunities ensured. The program will be held in collaboration with the Turkish Women League of America and The Bridge of Turkey.

Our goal is to raise awareness on gender equality and women’s rights and to inspire participants to take concrete steps toward these issues. The event will provide significant opportunities for developing more inclusive policies for gender equality, increasing the participation of women in leadership roles, and advocating for women’s rights. Encouraging women’s greater involvement in decision-making processes and empowering young women to take leadership roles will be among the primary objectives of this event.

This program, with leaders from various sectors, will create an important platform to advance women’s empowerment and equality. Our speakers will share strategies to overcome barriers that women face in business, leadership positions, social life, and politics, offering practical insights for the participants. Additionally, the event will provide an interactive platform to foster dialogue and collaboration among participants.

This event will provide participants with in-depth knowledge about women’s rights and equality, encourage concrete steps toward gender equality, and allow participants to discover their potential in this field. Moreover, it will create a platform where participants can engage with one another, learn different perspectives, and interact.

Our UN Women’s Day event will help take another step toward creating a better world for women’s empowerment and gender equality.

Press Release:

23 February 2025

Registration Link:


Press Release:

25 January 2025



Education is a human right, a public good and a public responsibility.

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 24 January as International Day of Education, in celebration of the role of education for peace and development.

Without inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong opportunities for all, countries will not succeed in achieving gender equality and breaking the cycle of poverty that is leaving millions of children, youth, and adults behind.

Peace education should be a transformative process that empowers students with knowledge, values, attitudes, skills, and behaviors, making them catalysts for peace in their societies. Education lays the foundation for more peaceful, just, and sustainable societies and emerges as a powerful tool to address challenges such as climate change, inequality, discrimination, violence, and global conflicts. When effectively designed and implemented, education becomes a long-term investment that provides increasing returns.

To create peace, security, equality, and a sustainable world, it is essential to implement a Compulsory Peace Education curriculum from kindergarten to 12th grade. Through the development of empathy, critical thinking, and digital literacy, the goal is to empower youth as agents of change. This process will accelerate sustainable development by eliminating gender inequality, environmental crises, racism, and hatred. The commitment to universal access to ongoing education, particularly digital literacy, aims to equip all citizens for the digital age.

By investing in Compulsory Peace and ICT Education, the ultimate goal is to enable both current and future generations, including people with disabilities and disadvantaged individuals, to thrive in an interconnected and technologically democratized world. This holistic approach will accelerate human progress in both the short and long term. This program is taking place under the leadership of the TWLA organization and The Light Millennium Organization in support of the #UNGA79  Summit of the Future, #Our common agenda &#Pact For The Future to contribute to the creative and inspirational combination along with  a need for compulsory digital literacy both to protect and prepare young and future generations along with to inter woven with Compulsory Peace Education as the backbone of compulsory peace education.


5 October 2024

A newly Formed Coalition for Compulsory Peace Education &Information Telecommunication Technologies (ICTs) from Kindergarten to Grade 12, and Beyond

We are very excited to introduce you to our newly formed coalition for the above long -term vision , to support the 2024 #UNGA79 Summit Of The Future.

You are cordially invited to an Inaugural Event (virtual)with the Representatives of Coalition and Speakers to present you the married visions in diverse spectrum toward making a long term commitment to advocating the proposed vision , which is scheduled for Saturday October 5, 2024 at 11:00 am Eastern time.


How Can We Prevent Harmful Consequences from ICTs and Move Towards a Sustainable Future?


April 28, 2024

March 8th – Panel on Theme “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress”


March 8th – Panel on Theme “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress”

March 9th – “Domestic Violence and Abuse”


Click here for press release.




-International Day of Education-January 24th, 2023

Mr. David Cuthell PhD, 

Mr. Selçuk Şirin PhD,

Mrs. Buket Sahin,

Mrs. Gül Bahtiyar Md,

Mr. Korhan Beba

A poster for a international day of education

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  • International Women’s Day-March 8th 2023

A poster for a women's day

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  -2023 Water Conference-March 23th, 2023

Turks in Action Now For Water in Future                    

A close-up of a poster

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Immediate Press Release: January 3rd 2022, New York
Organization: Turkish Women League of America
Email: Twlanewyork@gmail.com  or Twla@atkb.org


Reference: United Nations Department of Global Communications Approves 19 Civil Society Organizations for Association https://www.un.org/press/en/2021/pi2297.doc.htm

With the full support of the board of directors of the Turkish Women’s League of America (TWLA), unanimously decided to start the Association process with the United Nations Department of Global Communications (UNDGC) on the 11th of August, 2020.

The Civil Society Association Committee at the United Nations Department of Global Communications (#UNDGC_CSO) met on 10th of December, 2021. At this particular meeting, TWLA’s application toward association has been officially approved, effective Immediately.

Turkish Women’s League of America established in New York, officially on 17 September,1958, by a group of secular Turkish women who adhere to the principles set by Ataturk and the values of the Turkish Republic. The TWLA is a non-profit organization with the status #501(c) (3).

The Organization mission is to unite Turkish Women living in the United States of America under one roof to provide solidarity and strength among them.

Further, The Turkish Women’s League of America has been working towards sharing Turkish customs and traditions with other cultures; regardless of language, religion, color or race to establish positive relationships through the organizing cultural events since 1958.

TWLA’s one of the core mission and visions has been to preserve and teach mother-tongue Turkish language and culture to the future generations since 1971.

New York Ataturk School operates as a week-end elementary school from October to June and has over 550 graduates. The school’s mandatory curriculum is to teach Turkish that includes Turkish language and rich and diverse culture.  Annually the school educates between 100 and 130 students between the ages of 5 and 14 years old.

The TWLA is proud to form and operate NY ATATÜRK School (NY Atatürk Okulu) under the TWLA’s roof since its inception in 1971 and onward. In fact, TWLA celebrated NY Atatürk School’s 50th Anniversary in conjunction with the 2021 International Mother Language Day along with The Light Millennium and Assembly of Turkish American Associations organizations.  

The Organization is one of the oldest and one of the most active Turkish American organizations in the United States of America.

Throughout Turkish Women’s League of America’s 63 year long history, it has been serving Turkish women in New York and other states by bringing families together through social and cultural events. These events are aligned with UNICEF (educating children in their mother tongue) & UNESCO programs since they support continuity of Turkish cultural heritage, customs, traditions as well as the Turkish language in the United States of America. In this context, TWLA’s and NY Ataturk School’s core programs are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goal #4 Equal and Quality Education & SDG-5 Gender Equality and equal educational opportunity along with, International Day of Education (24 January), International Day of Mother Language (21 February) , International Day of Families (15 May), World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development (21 May), which also cross-cutting with many other SDGs and UN Days.

TWLA’s, being associated with the UN-DGC, which is a threshold for a new era in the TWLA’s history. TWLA is determined to actively engage with the UN programs and support the UN 2030 Development Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals through TWLA and New York Atatürk School’s programs.

With this newly gained capacity, Turkish Women’s League of America will be able to have a delegation which consist of six representatives at the premises of the headquarters of the United Nations in New York, including two youth representatives. These representatives will have the privilege to attend UN meetings and will be reflecting back from the UN to the TWLA’s members and Turkish community in the U.S.

The following extract from UN-DGC Press Release provides insight into how the UN-DGC works and why it is important for TWLA.

United Nations Department of Global Communications’-associated organizations are expected to join the global effort to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, promote and defend human rights, and promote peace and security. They also have the opportunity to network with other organizations and to share information about their activities during thematic briefings, capacity-building sessions and the United Nations Civil Society Conference.

As the preeminent and most impactful Turkish Women’s League of America organization in the United States, President Mrs. Sermin Özçilingir of TWLA, underlined the following:We are very proud of this outcome and looking forward to work with the UN-DGC along with the Global NGO executive Committee (GNEC) toward in this important newly defined mission and vision. We will make sure toward aligning and presenting more programs in connection with the UN Charter, Universal Declaration Human Rights and the 2030 Development Agenda. In this framework, we also consider to developing an introductory level class for New York Atatürk School’s 4. And 5. Grade students. With that, our students, too, will be aware of the UN’s Vision and Programs toward engaging them with the UN Vision and Programs at an early stage of their lives .”

Turkish Women’s League of America’s Website:  https://atkb.org
NY Atatürk School’s Website:  https://atkb.org/ataturk-school/

UN News Centre Press Release:
United Nations Department of Global Communications Approves 19 Civil Society Organizations for Association https://www.un.org/press/en/2021/pi2297.doc.htm

About the United Nations Department of Global Communications:

Website of the UN Department of Global Communications: www.un.org/civilsociety

Turkish Women League of America is an organization formally affiliated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications.